Welcome to the new Front Page of the Central Massachusetts Liberty Coalition web site. The CMLC is central Massachusetts' leading pro-liberty political-education organization. The Central Massachusetts Liberty Coalition exists to give you, the Massachusetts pro-liberty citizen, the facts that you need to defend your liberty through peaceful political action.
To reach our Directory, start with our Contents Pages, from which all other pages may be reached.
En Español -- Soon a front page in Spanish. For additional pages En Español see Indices en Español (However, under 'Publications' the Spanish translation of Stand Up for Liberty! is now up.)
Webmaster George Phillies is running for President. This is a full time and then some occupation. While he is doing this, publication of Let Freedom Ring! and Libertarian Strategy Gazette have been suspended. Back issues remain on line for your reading pleasure. To contact the Phillies campaign, http://www.phillies2008.org .
In September, 2006, the Libertarian party of Massachusetts held a State Convention. A new State Committee was elected. The new members are Carol McMahon (Chair), George Phillies (Vice Chair), Mary-Anne Wolf (Recording Secretary), David Roscoe (Membership Secretary), Walter Ziobro (Treasurer), Stephanie Woiciechowski (Editor), Bill Hees (Webmaster), Arthur Torrey, Bob Underwood, and Steve Drobnis. The State Party web site was migrated to http://www.lpmass.org so that the State Party would own its own web site. The current owner of LPMA.ORG refused to transfer ownership of the URL to the LPMA State Committee.
The new LPMA Officers are largely the same as the Liberty for Massachusetts officers. After some consideration, Liberty for massachusetts was put into a state of suspended animation. The http://www.LibertyforMassachusetts.org web pages remain active.
We are in the process of migrating the Central Massachusetts Liberty Coalition Pages to their new location.
The entirety of Stand Up for Liberty!, the Grassroots Libertarians book on Libertarian political strategy is available at Stand Up for Liberty.
Funding Liberty! The truth about the Libertarian 1996 and 2000 Presidential campaigns, is now available as a paperback from Third Millennium Publishing .
Stand Up for Liberty! Manual of Libertarian Tactics, is now available as a paperback from Third Millennium Publishing .
George Phillies
48 Hancock Hill Drive
Worcester MA 01609
508-754-1859; 508-831-5334
And read about these other fine libertarian activities:
Rational Review The
Libertarian Newsmagazine
Liberty for All! The
Finest Collection of Libertarian Commentators
Antiwar Dot Com Collected World
News and Commentary
The Free State
Project The Other Path To Freedom
Constructed by George Phillies and a cast of thousands.